We purchased a 1984 Fiber Stream travel trailer from a friend.
In general, it was in decent shape, but needs a little TLC. I thought I would try to document our work on this project here.
I have a long ongoing list of items I want to work on.
I joined https://www.fiberglassrv.com/ – it has a tone of great resources and information.
Door Seal
Previously had some leaking. A newer gasket has been placed, but it is not correct or high quality. I found some really nice replacement gasket.
SteeleRubberProducts – ORDERED 2/27/20
Tires, wheels, brakes
Currently the trailer has 4 mismatched older tires. I don’t know what is the right thing. I do not think cheap tires are a good idea. I am not sure if radial or biased tires are better for this trailer. I reached out to the folks at etrailer and the reccomended these:
https://www.etrailer.com/Trailer-Tires-and-Wheels/Kenda/AM30540.html – I don’t plan on it moving in until spring, so I will continue to research, but these look good.
Hub buddy – I would like to pull the wheels apart, clean and regrease. I would also add some hub buddies.
Brakes – not currently used. Do I need them? Can I repair, fix or test current? I will need to inspect and research more.
battery charger – I should get a trickle charger for the winter. I also need to test the condition of the battery.
Currently carpeted and there is a soft spot by the door, from the previously mentioned leaking. We are looking at replacing carpet with:
Clean – Awesome Cleaner Dollar General – yellow
Magic Eraser mop
sprayer with hot water
Make cover
Pin handle $24https://www.amazon.com/Carefree-901015-Travel-Awning-Replacement/dp/B000NJ14B2/ref=psdc_155273011_t3_B000NJ39CY – note I cleaned the current ones and they seem to be working.
Tension knobs – Ordered and installed – amazon. These work great.
Need to 3D print new Weeps
If I have to reseal – Butyl Rubber
AC Unit
AC works, needs to be cleaned.
Started leaking inside.
Duo-therm 55908-041
new gasket?
https://www.steelerubber.com/roof-mounted-ac-heat-pump-gasket-kit-70-3905-207 confirm 14 x 14 – ORDERED 8.27.20
Hitch – ordered, received – adjustable, should make a huge difference on how this tows.
https://www.etrailer.com/Trailer-Hitch-Ball-Mount/Convert-A-Ball/TK5007.html and https://www.etrailer.com/Trailer-Hitch-Ball/Convert-A-Ball/105LB.html
Leveller Jacks – Ordered. I need to look for a decent bottle jack. The current one leaks oil and slips. This will be helpful for leveling the rear right driver’s side where the drains are located.
Bubble window replacement